"Algae specialists, long near the bottom of the biology food chain, are becoming the rock stars."

Bourne, National Geographic, Oct. 2007

Monday, September 26, 2011

Professorial Guilt

Let us take a moment to consider time management and prioritization.  This topic is on my mind, because for the second time, I will not post four times during the week.  To my students, whose grade is (in part) contingent on doing the same, I apologize.

Life happens.  Recently, I have started to move out of my self-centric position to understand that life happens to all of us, and I am just not that special.  Many of you are thinking, "no kidding jerkface."  I know.  I hear you.  Let me just say that martyrdom is a genetic condition among the women of my family.  I'm not sure its even that rare a condition.

The question is, what do you do about "failure?"  To be honest, I am not entirely sure - but this is what I'm learning.

First, you must consider your priorities and life goals.  In this regard, you can judge activities and opportunities that arise and decide where they fit into your already busy life.

Second, you do your very best to plan ahead and not overwhelm yourself.

Third, you face dilemmas squarely in the eye, recognize the consequences for "failure" and make the best decision you can.

Finally, you recognize your humanity, your good intentions, and move on with your life.  Learn from failures.

Like I said, I'm still learning in this area.  In fact, its probably really hypocritical of me to even make this post, but hey - work in progress.  It is what was on my mind.  Maybe I'll revisit and refine some other time.

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